Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hope Rises out of Devastation

     Over the course of the next few weeks I hope to write some thoughts about the adventure I have been on since Friday, September 3, 2010. My hope is what I write will eventually become a book about my great, great grandfather and what his life can spark in the lives of others.
Installment 1
     September 3, 2010 was going to be a Friday just like very other Friday until I realized one important factor. I poured coffee into my favorite coffee cup, one that I purchased for my dad while in Vietnam. As I drank my second cup of strongly brewed coffee, some thing I have done since joining the Navy, I realized I was drinking this cup at about the same time I received a phone call 38 years earlier. A phone call from one of my uncles and it devastated me; it is one that I can remember as if it occurred yesterday. The call was to let me know that my dad was being rushed to the hospital and I should make plans to come home. I stumbled into the bedroom, where my wife and son were laying talking, with tears streaming down my face I told her what the call was about. Then the phone rang again and my uncle let me know my dad had died.

     With tears streaming down my face my thoughts turned to the disaster that the last year had been. The shame I felt because of my failure to give grace to another pastor in a heated disagreement and how it destroyed our relationship. The questions about whether God really intended for me to work as a pastor. Doubts that the passions I have really are of God. Heart broken I could feel myself slipping into the beginning stages of depression.

     As I finished my coffee I experienced one of those times when an unrelated thought moved through the nerve cells of my brain. I put my coffee cup down and opened one of the drawers of my desk and pulled out a stack of papers a cousin had sent me several years ago. I turned to the Clark part of the family tree and something jumped out at me. The tree ended with my great, great grandfather, Seth Gold Clark.

     Since I had six hours before I had to be at work I decided to do some research and see what I could find out about this man. I turned to my computer, brought up a genealogy search site and typed in his name, his birth and death dates. After clicking many of the sites that came up I clicked on one that referred to a book called, “The Church at home and abroad, Volume 24 By Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.” and the article was "A Home-Mission Enthusiast".

     Have you ever had one of those times that you know without a doubt that God caused it to happen? This was one of those moments for me. I knew without a doubt God wanted me to read what was written in this book about the Reverend Seth Gold Clark. The words would renew the dream God placed in my heart and begin to give me hope that all of my experiences in life so far was to prepare my heart for this very moment in time.

     The story that follows is about the life of my great, great grandfather and the seeds of greatness he planted. This story is one that God is having written at this moment in time to lift each reader up to move forward toward accomplishing their God given dreams. This story is a story about a legacy that was left by a man who according to his own words, “lived a very busy, checkered life; possibly some good may result.” One hundred and twelve years later that good could be the accomplishment of hundreds or even thousands of dreams, which would not have been achieved without God revealing this story to those dreamers.
     Please come back in the next few weeks for more installments. If God speaks to you in any way please share it in the comment section.

Friday, September 17, 2010

The Secret

A few years ago I received a copy of a book called, "The Secret" and I read it and as soon as I was done with it I dropped it into my trash can. Usually when I read a book and it does not appeal to me I put it in a garage sale or take it to the used book store but this one I placed it where it belongs.

You might be wondering why I am saying this and I hope to answer that for you in this post.

From the official website of The Secret:

One spring day towards the end of 2004, Rhonda Byrne discovered a secret - the secret laws and principles of the universe.

Almost immediately her life was transformed, as she began to put into practice what she had learned. And in that moment her greatest wish, and mission, was to share this knowledge with the world.

The secret describes the "Law of Attraction" and how you can harness the power of the universe to work for you so that you attract people into your life who will help you achieve your dreams and goals.

As I read the book I discovered there was one big piece missing in the writing, any reference to the creator "GOD" being involved in you having the "Law of Attraction". Many of the principles stated in the book are no doubt true and work but apart from them coming from our creator they are nothing more than the power given by the spiritual powers that battle against His involvement in our lives. That alone makes the trash can the appropriate place for this book.

There actually is a true but not secret law of attraction and the power behind it is none other than the creator of the universe which the book, "The Secret" does not recognize or credit for the power in the first place.

This book is none other than Satan's attitudes packaged in a "New Age" religious thought. It is not a book that glorifies our creator, gives credit to the Holy Spirit for any power that we have or acknowledges Jesus as the source for our connection to God. I have no doubt that real power results from practicing the teachings in this book. But where does this power come from? I am confident that it is not from the creator God.

If you want to receive the true gift of attraction take the time to study the topics of spirit and power within the pages of the Bible. You will find that God is willing to give you spiritual gifts and power that will bring Him glory. You can develop the fruits of the Spirit which will attract people to you. You will find that you can tap into the Holy Spirit who will cause divine appoints to occur with people He wants you to either touch or be touched by.

Here are the steps to receiving the true power of attraction:

1. Accept Jesus as your savior.

2. Surrender all to the ruleship of Jesus.

3. Discover the Spiritual gifts that the Holy Spirit gives you.

4. Utilize those gifts in serve to others.

If we deeply examine our lives we are either living for the Kingdom of God or we are living for the kingdom of a fallen world which has Satan as it's leader.

I have purposely not listed any scriptures so that you do the study with an attitude subject to the power of the Holy Spirit and prove for yourself that God is not behind the book, "The Secret". 

If you allow God to guide you, you will discover what I did: "The Secret" is none other than another attempt by Satan to mislead people and draw them to himself. If you open your Bible you will discover the lie that is packaged in this book and you will find the true source of the power of the universe.

Friday, September 10, 2010

3 Chairs, Which One Do You Sit In?

In Matthew 25: 14-30 Jesus indicates that those who do not use what God has given them are guilty of not honoring the Master. (Luke 19: 12-27)

In every community there are three groups of men, which I like to describe as sitting in three different chairs.  

The Third Chair I call the Easy Chair – has no relationship with God and does not acknowledge a need for a savior and is a comfortable chair that is full of conflict.

The Second Chair I call the High Back Chair – attends church weekly – appears godly but sometimes in hiding is worldly and is somewhat comfortable chair that is full of compromise.

The First Chair I call the Stool – striving to become Christ like and is an action chair that is full of commitment.
Most men sitting in chair 3 know they that something is missing in their lives but they do not know or maybe even want to know what it is. They feel this way because of wounds or examples they have had. What they need are men who are sitting in the first chair to come around being an example of what they truly long for.
Men sitting in chair 2 are being pulled between the world and the kingdom of God. Because he struggles with this pull he does not utilize the gifts given to him. They maybe struggling with sin, life controlling habits, fear, or doubt. What they need to move out of the 2nd chair to the first is another man to come along side of him.

Hebrews 10: 25 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another – and all the more as you see the day approaching.

The idea I would like to present to you today is the idea of Christian Accountability, which applies to men in the second and first chairs. I can tell you today that 100% you need accountability because you have difficulties in one of the following areas:  

Each of us need more prayer time, need for more Bible study, we battle with Lust, we have problems with Finances, problems at Work, we struggle with Pride and Power, we have a problem Sharing the Gospel, we struggle with time to Exercise, we do not Eat Right, or we Let Life Rob us of Joy.

What is Accountability?  

It is a system of check and balances to protect us from harm from ourselves or others.

It allows us to be answerable to one another that we have chosen, focusing on key relationships such as our spouse, close friends, colleagues, coworkers, boss, small group members and pastor.

It enables us to share our lives with one another in a deep, introspective way.

It is not a place to vent all of our frustrations.

It is not a place to complain about how life has dumped on us.

It is not about confronting.

It is more about encouraging one another and challenging each other to move forward toward the goals we choose.

It involves trust, confidentiality and honesty.

With this post I encourage you to consider which chair you are sitting in and which chair you would like to move to. If you are already sitting in the first chair I encourage you to reach out to another man who is sitting on chair two or three and help them move to the next chair or make the leap to the first chair.

Note: The three chair idea comes from Bruce Wilkinson's book, "30 Days to Experiencing Spiritual Breakthroughs"

Saturday, September 4, 2010

A Desire Passed Down?

I have been doing some research into my roots and I have found something that is interesting  and might explain  my interest and desire to be involved in ministry. If we look at the Old  Testament we find that God used families based on their family skills to perform certain duties in regard to building the  tabernacle. I believe in some ways abilities and desires are passed down through the ages. Here is an article about my Great-Great Grandfather that I believe helps to explain my desire to be involved in ministry.

A Home-Mission Enthusiast

The Rev. Seth Gold Clark, who died at his home in Appleton City, Mo., on Friday, April 22, 1898, was one of the most enthusiastic and indefatigable home mission pioneers in the central West. For over fifty years incessantly active in the work he loved, he was one of the best examples of a missionary type now fast disappearing.

He was born in Delaware county, N. Y., August 13, 1817, and, after a boyhood spent on farms in New York and Ohio, graduated at Western Reserve College in 1843 and Western Reserve Seminary in 1846. He was licensed by the Presbytery of Cleveland, October 7, 1845, and began at once supplying three little mission churches in Ohio. From there he went to Bainbridge, O., where he was ordained in May, 1847, and remained two years. During his next pastorate, at Aurora, O., his health failed. Then followed eleven years' service as district secretary of the A. B. C. F. M., and three as chaplain of the 10th

Ohio Vounteer Cavalry, from 1862 to 18G5. Ten days before Atlanta was taken, he was captured, but was soon released as a noncombatant. The twenty days' furlough he was then given to visit his family he " spent in helping reelect Lincoln." The mayor of Cleveland telegraphed the President to keep him in Ohio till after election, which he did. Unable on his return to the army to reach his regiment, then on its march to the sea, he was assigned by Gen. Thomas to the work of raising funds for the Sanitary Commission. In August, 1865, he became chaplain of the House of Correction in Detroit and of the Seamen's Friend Society. This he kept but a short time until, on January 2, 1866, he left his home to take up the work in which he was to become most successful, and for which he is best known.

At the close of the war, western Missouri, which had been repeatedly ravaged by both armies, retained but few of its former inhabitants and scarcely any churches. At the request of Dr. Henry Kendall, Mr. Clark came to Missouri to assist in reorganizing Presbyterian work. Of his beginnings here he once wrote: " The Board, by my request, made full provision for my salary the first year. I told them that if I went to such a burned-over country I did not want to intimate to any man, woman or child that a missionary needed anything to eat, drink or wear. I did not say money for a year, except when I paid my bills. The people were just as modest as I was—they never said money to me. I obtained a hardy mustang pony, and went in all directions, preaching the gospel wherever I found an opening." Does that seem a haphazard method, not to be reasonably expected to produce good results ? In less than three years he organized churches at Holden in Johnson county: Greenwood in Jackson county; Harrisonville and Austin in Cass county; Butler, Lone Oak and Papinsville in Bates county; Hudson (now Appleton City) in 8t. Clair county, and Lamar in Barton county. Each of these churches he supplied until they were able to obtain regular services otherwise. Some years later two of these towns, unable to obtain expected railroads, died a natural death, as did their churches. Two other churches were outstripped by later organizations by other Presbyterian denominations. There remain to-day five good churches organized before 1870 by that one missionary " settled on horseback."

From 1871-76 Mr. Clark was financial agent for Highland University. The last two summers of that time were spent with a missionary tent outfit, furnished by Sunday schools in the East. He traveled through northern Kansas and southern Nebraska, preaching daily to congregations averaging 100 on week nights and from 150 to 300 on Sundays. This was strictly pioneer work in regions beyond ministers and churches. He was everywhere gladly welcomed. This tent work he was accustomed to regard as the most successful work of his life. During 1877-78 he supplied the churches of Iola and Carlyle, Kans.; 1879-80, Baxter Springs, Galena and Empire, Kans.; 1881-5, Rich Hill, Rockvilie and Hume, Mo., all three of which he organized. He then spent ten years in southwestern Kansas, where he found nine counties adjoining, in neither of which was an organized church. During those years he organized eight churches, seven of which, in spite of drought and consequent depopulation of large districts, are still on our " Minutes." The year 1895 was spent with the Church of Raymore, Mo., which under his labors was much revived, and built a beautiful house of worship.

At last, when nearly eighty, with mind and voice unimpaired, he was forced by physical infirmities to give up his active ministry. It was an affecting scene, when by vote of Presbytery he was " honorably retired," and recommended to the Board of Relief. All knew of his active life, and realized that it was not boastfulness which led him to rise and say that, able as he then supposed to preach better than ever before, he would gladly sacrifice his right arm rather than go onto the Board, if only he were physically able to continue in the ministry. No service did he ever shirk as too hard, no field as too unattractive. Always and everywhere he loved to proclaim salvation to the uttermost through Jesus Christ. Like every other true missionary, he recognized no bounds of race or clime, but worked and prayed for the universal spread of the gospel. No wonder Miss Mary Clark, the daughter of such a home missionary, should be found to-day a foreign missionary in distant Persia.

Mr. Clark was twice married; in 1866 to Miss Lucy Peck, who died in 1873, leaving five children; and, in 1875, to Miss Emma Perry, who survives him.